Jurisdiction over the Grove Cemetery falls under the authority of the Grove Cemetery Association.  The Grove Cemetery Association consists of a Township Trustee from Buck, Goshen, and Pleasant Townships and a representative from the Kenton City Council.  Three of these representatives are voting members on an annually rotating basis. The Superintendent and Grounds Superintendent are employed by the Cemetery Board to carry out and enforce the following rules and regulations and all daily matters concerning the operation of Grove Cemetery. A Fiscal Officer handles financial issues and related record keeping. The cemetery employs a grounds crew to preserve and improve the beauty, peace and tranquility of the Grove Cemetery grounds.

The cemetery grounds are open 8:00 AM until dusk daily.  The office is open 8:00 am until 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.  The office is closed on weekends and holidays.


1) Burial Rights may be purchased in Grove Cemetery from the Superintendent or his designee at the Cemetery Office during regular office hours.  A receipt of purchase, showing location, area and price of the lot is maintained by the Fiscal Officer.  A Certificate of Ownership is issued from the Fiscal Officer to the burial rights owner(s).

2) The transfer of burial rights requires a proper affidavit be presented to the Superintendent for filing with the Fiscal Officer. There is a $20 fee for filing of affidavits related to the transfer of burial rights.

3) Lots shall be used only for purposes of burial.  No pets, cars, motorcycles etc. shall be buried with the deceased.


1) A request for burial must be presented to the Superintendent at least forty-eight hours prior to burial.

2) If the requesting individual is not the lot owner or immediate family of the lot owner, permission in writing by affidavit from the lot owner must be presented to the Superintendent before a burial is permitted.

3) All interments will be subjected to certain charges, which must be paid to the Fiscal Officer prior to burial unless prior arrangements have been made.  A current fee schedule is available at the Cemetery Office.

4) There will be no burials on Sundays or the following holidays:  New Years Day, Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Holidays falling on Saturday will be observed on Friday and holidays falling on Sunday will be observed on Monday with no burials occurring on either the observed or actual holiday.

5) Vaults are required for all burials, including in the case of cremation. Only one (1) full-size vault burial is permitted per grave space.   Mausoleums are not permitted.

6) No more than four (4)-cremation burials will be allowed per grave. No more then two cremations are allowed on a grave with a standard size burial, or as space can allow.

7) Graves will be opened and closed only by employees of the Cemetery Association upon approval of the Superintendent.

8) Persons requesting a body be moved from one part of the Cemetery to another must have permission from the Superintendent and will be charged according to the current fee schedule.

9) Anyone of the ages of twelve years old and older will be charged and buried as adults. Children ages one to eleven years old will be charged and buried as a child. Children younger then one year will be deemed an infant.


1) Decorations are not to exceed one foot away from the headstone. Flowerbeds that protrude on the back or sides of the headstone may (in some cases) intrude upon someone else’s lot. Should this occur, the decorations may have to be removed. Decorating is to be at the headstone line only. There is to be no fencing, masonry pavers or rocks placed around flowerbeds.

2) Trees, shrubs, rose bushes, bushes or hedges are not permitted. Those now in existence will be removed if not kept trimmed by the owner. A bush or hedge may be removed if it interferes with a burial, placement of a marker or other grave space(s) at the discretion of the Superintendent.

3) Statues, figurines or flag/banner holders may be no taller than 18″ and must be contained within the 1′ planting area around headstones. Posts or shepherd hooks for hanging baskets are also prohibited.  Hanging solar lights are permitted within the planting area but may be no taller than 18″. There is to be no decorative stone groundcover.

4) All live and artificial flowers (including wreaths) that become unsightly will be removed by Cemetery personnel at the discretion of the Superintendent.

5) All benches, seats and urns must be contained within the planting area and maintained by the owner.  If they become rusty, unpainted or broken, they may be removed at the Superintendent’s discretion.

6) Items placed on graves are at the owners’ own risk. Grove Cemetery shall not be held responsible for lost, stolen or broken items nor for damage to flowers or other plants.

7) Water hydrants are located throughout the cemetery to aid in the watering of plants and flowers.  Persons using the hydrants should take extra care to make sure the hydrants are turned off following use.

8) All withered flowers; old bouquets, etc. must be placed in the trash containers provided.

9) Winter wreaths and other decorations must be removed by April 1st.  Summer decorations must be removed by October 1st.

10) Type and placement of trees purchased for the Cemetery will be at the discretion of the cemetery board. Persons wishing to place trees at the cemetery must make a contribution to the “Tree Replacement Fund”. Contact the cemetery office for more information.

11) The Board retains all rights above ground as to what may be placed on the graves.


1) Persons wishing to erect a monument shall seek the permission of the Superintendent.  Large monuments are not allowed in certain sections of the Cemetery.

2) Monuments may be no wider than the grave(s) for which they are intended.

3) The foundation for all monuments, markers, stones, etc. will be installed by the Cemetery employees. A permanent and firm foundation is necessary to allow the monument or marker to remain standing erect over time.  Charges for foundations are made through the monument company.

4) Markers must be made of marble or granite. The use of cement or metal is not permitted. Bronze military plaques are permitted.

5) The Cemetery Board reserves the right to prohibit placement or to remove any headstone or monument deemed to be inappropriate or offensive due to size, shape or inscription.


1) Gates or roadways may be blocked at various times due to road maintenance, snow removal, weather restrictions, or for Memorial Day ceremonies.

2) The playing of games, illicit parking, the playing of loud music or other excessive noise and other improprieties are prohibited.

3) Children shall not be left unattended on the grounds.

4) Littering is prohibited. Trash containers are provided for the disposal of refuse.

5) Dogs or other pets will not be allowed in the Cemetery without a leash.  Pet walkers are responsible for cleaning up after their pets.

6) Discharging a firearm is not permitted within the Cemetery except for a military funeral or salute.

7) Persons not following the rules and regulations shall be asked to leave the cemetery grounds.


1) Motor vehicles shall not be driven through the grounds at a speed greater than 10 miles per hour and must remain on the roads.  Unlicensed motor vehicles, ATVs or Snowmobiles are not permitted in the Cemetery.

2) Vehicle horns must not be sounded in the Cemetery.  Engines shall be turned off of stopped vehicles.

3) Vehicles are not allowed to turn around upon burial or grassy areas.  Vehicles must stay on the roads at all times.


Rev. 1/8/2025